Thomas Drant
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Horace his arte of poetrie, pistles, and satyrs Englished and to the Earle of Ormounte by Tho. Drant addressed. (1567)
The divine lanthorne, or, A sermon preached in S. Pauls Church appointed for the crosse the 17. of July M.DC.XXXCI. by Thomas Drant of Shaston in Com. Dorset. (1637)
Epigrams and sentences spirituall in vers, of Gregori Nazanzen, an auncient & famous bishop in the Greke churche Englished by Tho. Drant. (1568)
A medicinable morall, that is, the two bookes of Horace his satyres, Englyshed accordyng to the prescription of saint Hierome. Drant. Perused and ... to the Quenes Maiesties iniunctions (1566)
The divine lanthorne, or, A sermon preached in S. Pauls church appointed for the crosse the 17. of July M.DC.XXXVI. by Thomas Drant of Shaston in Com. Dorset. (1637)
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